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For over twenty years, Geodes has been bringing together geologists, engineers and highly innovative technologies to develop solutions that follow the entire work cycle, starting from the planning of geological and geotechnical investigations on site and in laboratory, up to civil geotechnical, structural, infrastructural design and to the construction supervision.

In 2013 the geodes   gdtest group was born which represents for the Italian and foreign market, through the optimization of common resources and the exploitation of synergies, a reference for geoengineering services, from geological-geotechnical consulting, to the design of structures and infrastructural works, installation and management of monitoring systems, on-site and laboratory tests.

GEODES s.r.l.

piazza Arturo Graf, 124
10126 - Torino - Italy
P.I. 06208460011

iscrizione al registro imprese di Torino n. 769355
capitale sociale € 31.200 i.v.
società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di gd test S.r.l.